Day: <span>May 20, 2002</span>

My subscriptions list now has little miniature XML buttons and coffee mugs. To view the source for a channel, click the XML button. To subscribe to a channel, click the coffee mug. To view the channel’s home page, click on its name.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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The opml file I’m using to generate my blogroll now can contain macros which will get expanded at render time. The one I’ve added so far is a call to <%radio.html.drawNavigatorLinks ()%>, which makes my other navigation links appear to merge with the blogroll links.

Also, after making a tiny change to my renderer, I’m able to point at the mySubscriptions.opml file in my gems folder, and generate the links to channels I’m subscribed to, which appear under my calendar at the right. It would be nice to have XML buttons and coffee mugs next to those links, but as a proof-of-concept, it works as-is.

I wonder what other macros might make sense in my blogroll.opml…

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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Jake's Radio 'Blog

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